The Story of Boblox.
Hello Bobloxians, it is Encarcelador now talking, and today we are going to hear the story of this site, Boblox, how it was made, and how it envolved into what it is today, now, let's start answering the big question, about the secret past of Boblox . 2020 - The origins. Welcome back to 2020, Covid-19, quarantine, no school. People used to have a lot of free time then, 2020 also marked the year of what we call today "The Envolvement of memes" many memes were made that year, and humanity started getting new humor, that was when the Boblox meme was first made in form of "Bobux", a common misspelling of the word "Robux", the same as Boblox, a common misspelling of the name "Boblox". Obviously, the meme didn't last more than a month, but if that meme was never made, well, let's say I would have never invented Boblox. Let me explain. 10/17/2020 - The Big Day. We have travelled now to this exact day, the day Boblox was made. I was bored i...